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What Astronauts Can Teach Us About Sheltering in Place

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Failure is Not an Option

When ever I am faced with adversity or doubt, this is the sign I look at in my office,  (and then I "Spring into Action").

Download the PDF to print here:


Get it Done Thought of the Day: Spring into Action

When my mother, Auschwitz survivor was up against adversity she would say, "It's time to spring into action!"

That philosophy led to her and her sisters to escape a death march in January of 1945 and served her the rest of her life.


Dealing with Relatives Tip of the Day

  Over the next couple of weeks I'll be posting my favorite stories and strategies I've heard for dealing successfully with relatives. Here's the first:

Have a Mantra. There's a couple I know, who before leaving the house for an event, will look each other in the eyes and simultaneously say, “Just visiting.”

When they arrive, but before they ring the bell they look at each other and say, “ Just visiting.“

During the event if things start getting stressful they just give each other the look and silently say to themselves, “Just visiting.”

A pair of adult sisters use with their mother, “She's just making conversation.”  That prevents them from getting caught up or taking too seriously their mother’s wild tangents or illogic. Instead they remind themselves, “She’s just making conversation,”  and that gives them permission to not engage, but just simply change the subject.

What's your mantra?




Study Shows Ignoring a "Jerk" Causes Less Stress Then Reacting

A study found that by reacting to a person, rather than ignoring them, causes more stress and distraction that lasts far longer than the actual event. I was honored to be a communication expert in this article at Woman's Health where the theme is "when to hold'em, when to fold 'em" or when do you do something about a behavior and when do you let it go. In this article I answer the age old questions of what to do if:

The situation: A woman cuts you in line at Starbucks

The situation: Your boyfriend / husband leaves his dirty clothes strewn over the floor for the hundredth time

The situation: Someone keeps texting in the middle of a movie

The situation: While you’re walking down the street, a dude hollers, “Hey baby, lookin’ good!”

The situation: Your slacker coworker asks you to help him finish his quarterly report

The situation: A close friend shows up an hour late to your birthday dinner

The situation: During holiday dinner, Uncle Marvin says, “You look really tired.”



Time Flies...

Greetings Conscious Communicator,

Dr. Rick Brinkman 1971

In a few weeks I will be attending my 40th reunion of Stuyvesant High School in New York City.

This is the first reunion I am aware of and my theory is because we were the last all-male graduating class, we didn't have any girls to organize social events.

In my time, though not my class, was Paul Reiser and three current members and advisors of Obama's cabinet including Attorney General Eric Holder. He was a senior in my first year and in fact ;-) I think he gave me my first wedgie! ;-)



Attitude is Up to You

I presented to 1600 people at the American Medical Directors Association recently. One of the doctors came up to me and shared an expression I want to share with you: In life pain is inevitable.

Misery is optional.



College Senior Freakout

I was recently interviewed by Her Campus for tips to deal with "senior freakout." Meaning ;-) college life is over and you have to join the real world. ;-) The process I suggest is valid for anyone dealing with anything. It's about how to control your reactions and put yourself in the state of being you need to be successful with whatever you are dealing with.

You can access the article here.


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Tis the Season to Deal with Relatives

I recently was interviewed by Woman's World magazine on Dealing with Relatives. I believe the article is in the current issue. Here is a link to access a PDF version or simply click on the graphic.

But wait there's more!!!

In case you haven't gotten it yet here is a 90 minute audio-seminar I did last year on Dealing with Relatives. It covers Martyrs and Judges and defusing your reactions. And speaking of defusing, while you are at the Relatives web page check out the hypnosis audio. It will defuse your triggers with Relatives from the inside out so they can do what used to drive you crazy and it won't matter to you anymore. I have gotten great feedback over the year on it's effectiveness. You'll find it all at:

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To Do or Not to Do

I have some motivational signs posted in my office, mostly to do with focus and belief. I shared the Rule of Acquisition #173 in the last post. Here is another favorite of mine that most visitors to my office seem to gravitate to:



